Stanford e-Japan (SPICE) program 2021 Fall オンライン講座修了報告


本校2年生のリビー乃亜くんがスタンフォード大学のオンライン講座Stanford e-Japanの2021年度秋学期を修了しました。約半年間に渡ったプログラムの内容と受講・修了した所感を寄稿してくれましたので、是非ご一読ください。

Stanford e Japan

Noah Levy

Stanford e Japan is a free online program held by Stanford University and supported by the Yanai Tadashi foundation for Japanese students living in Japan. In this program I mainly learned about the relationships between the United States and Japan, and about the United States. For example, we learned about World War II but from an American perspective, and compared the differences in how it is taught, and how the people living in the two countries react to it. We also learned about gender issues in America, and about how Martin Luther King Jr. fought against racism.
The course is five months long and for the first three months there were virtual classes and for the last two months I worked on my final paper. For each class I had assignments in which students read documents and answered questions presented by the instructor. Another activity is to posting your opinion on a discussion board. The whole course was in English.
There are also some things to be considered in order to take this course. First you will have to write some essays and go through some applications in order to be accepted. About 30 students are able to participate. Another is that everything will be online so if you are not used to using a computer it may be stressful.

I gained many things throughout this course. The most intensive thing is the level of my English. Living in Japan opportunities for interacting with English are very few, because every part of this course was in English, my English has improved comprehensively. I also got to attend lectures by professors and many famous people which was very impressive. I got to learn many things from multiple perspectives. I also got to meet and talked with many interesting students. A lot of them were interested in going abroad so I could ask questions and hear about it. Although there were many challenges in taking this course, it was a very unique experience and I am very glad to have done it.

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