












宿題も少しありますが内容はそこまで難しくありませ ん。留学生ばかりのクラスは英語を学ぶ事が目的なので化学や社会の勉強は無く、環境問題などを取り上げてディスカッション形式で単語数を増やしながら楽しく授業をしています。









   winter bus

 shakes me awake ー

 there my new world






 HLAB事前学習 2018/07/24 















7月15日(月)に「平成30年度第1回パーラメンタリーディベート講習会」が日吉ヶ丘高校の英語村で行われ、ESS部の生徒10名(Aチーム3名、Bチーム4名、見学3名)が参加しました。鳥羽高校、嵯峨野高校、山城高校、西京高校、日吉ヶ丘高校からのチームが「Japanese high school students should do part-time jobs.」と「Japan should accept more refugees.」についてディベートをしました。大阪府立大学 工学研究科 助教 中川智皓先生と一般社団法人パーラメンタリーディベート人財育成協会(PDA)の方々がジャッジをし、ディベートがうまくなるようにアドバイスをしていただきました。鳥羽のAチームとBチームが2試合に出て、どちらも1勝1敗でした。この経験を生かして、10月に行う、全国大会とつながる「PDA京都交流大会」に向けて頑張ります。


鳥羽高校で過ごした感想 (3年8組 王子涵) 



 私が留学した京都府立鳥羽高等学校は文化的なところである気がします。赤れんがで建てられた学校であり、百年の歴史があります。生徒たちは普段の勉強だけでなくはなく、積極的に進んで、部活動にも取り組んでいます。管理棟の 中のガラス棚に並んでいる優勝カップもこの学校の栄誉を物語っています。










  • It was difficult for me to translate waka(Japanese poetry) from Japanese into English because I don't find English words suitable for the image of the waka. Besides, I had never translated waka. But I realized once again how beautiful Japanese nature is. If there weren't four seasons, waka might not be created. So I want to spread the beauty of the waka to the world. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  • To write a tanka in English was very difficult because tanka have peculiar rhythm and expressions. But I was glad to read this message. I could understand that the tanka poetry party is very rare and wonderful. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  • Translating the poems was so difficult. English doesn't have the words I wanted to use. So I had to find suitable words. I took a lot of time to translate them. However, I'm very happy that you enjoyed and you were interested in the poems. I want you to enjoy them more. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  • I read these impressions and I'm glad because I feel that I was able to share the pleasure of Japanese poetry with foreign people. And I think that I'll continue to do my best at composing Japanese poetry and translating it.

Károlyi Orsolya さん(Hungary)より

I really enjoyed the poetry event. I am studying classical Japanese poetry and translation, so I was very happy to see that there was also an English translation for each poems.

A lot of people see waka as a distant thing, and do not realize how beautiful it is. I hope you will continue to study these beautiful poems, and make the people around you realize how amazing they are. I have 2 advices for all of you.

(1) Make some easy explanations in Japanese too. Most of my Japanese friends does not have the slightest idea about classical Japanese, and for people like them (and they are the majority) it would be nice to have some easy explanations.

(2) Translating to English is really important, and the first step to share waka with the world, but there are a lot of people who can't speak English at all, and most of the people besides America, Britain and Canada only speak it as a second language. For them, it would be nice to have waka translations in other languages too.

I hope all of you will study a lot of other languages too, and spread the beautifulness of waka to the world.


William Giovanni さん(Indonesia)より

Kyoto is one of the most famous city in the world for its own beauty. The city too, are popular for the traditionalism that kept for over decades yet still can felt until now. Not only the traditional culture, but also the world heritage such as local temples and shrines that located in over Kyoto. Because of those reasons, I came to Kyoto in order to enhance my knowledge and skill as an Architect, and as those reasons too, I got the opportunity to see the Utakai that held in Toba High School. Of course I am honoured to attend such an event, that not even the locals can see whenever they want.

The first impression of the Utakai is mythical. An ephemeral but enticing in my own humble opinion. Like the whole event only last for a split second as the song was started. From the song itself, I can find the traditionalism of Japan, as if the time flow back to the past, the old days of Japan.

Pretty much can be said that this kind of event need to be maintained, in order to conserve the traditional culture of Japan, and I believe it is wise to introduce such as this event to the locals, as I have been asked around to the generation of the Japanese, that pretty much on the same age, yet didn't know about this kind of events. That thing is a pity, remembering Kyoto is one of the Focal Point that is located in Japan, and it would be good if the tourist can feel the depth of culture, especially in Kyoto.

If I may conclude, the Utakai that Toba High School held is a very good thing in order to keep the culture of Japan intact and for the younger generation to remember their origin, because knowing one's origin is wise, everywhere, everytime, whoever you are.


Fitrianna Puspita Dewi さん(Indonesia)より

First, I am very grateful to Toba High School who have given opportunity to foreign students like me to get to know Japanese culture and literature better. Although in University I learned a bit about Waka, but this is my first time to experience "Hikou". Through the Waka Recitation I can feel the coldness of the water or the wind breeze. I can imagine walking in the mountain, enjoying the greeneries, feeling calm and found my peace. For a moment I feel I am at Kibune or Takao. I came from a tropical country where summer is all around the years but I cannot find the beauty of summer. Summer for me is always identic with the sunburn, hot and humid weather, sweat and dark skin. But today, I`ve found the beauty of summer or Tranquility and peace in simple natural things like "dew drops on the leaves", "Crystal-Clear Water scooped with my hands", "Moonlight through the leaves" .And I also find more reason to preserve our nature, our water, our forest and mountain so we can always enjoy this beauty of nature. Lastly I really appreciate the spirit of Toba high school students to preserving traditional Japanese culture in the modern era as now, I hope this spirit is never disappear in Toba High School.


Jinwei Wang さん(China)より

At first I worried about whether I could comprehend the performance as a foreigner, since the poems are written by ancient Japanese Poets. But the translations helped a lot and the solemn act and move of the performers helped me calming down. So when Kosho started to sing chorally, I forgot about being a foreign visitor, about the excitement visiting a high school in Japan, but began to image myself the peaceful scenes described in the poems, figuring myself walking under the moonlight in a summer night. If the essence of art is the replication of scenes and feelings, then the students of Toba high school successfully did it. Listening these poems is like taking a stroll through different scenes. By the clear voice of Koji, my thought was taken away from the assembly hall into the mountains. And the stretched tone of Kosho in a slow but steady tempo gave me enough time to wander around casually in each of these scenes. Although it was a hot summer day, by the voices of the students I felt the coolness of the summer night, the breeze blowing through pine trees and brook flowing under the tender moonlight. I am grateful for having such a chance to enjoy the wonderful performance and hoping it will be appreciated by more audience from other countries.



Duygu Sahinさん(Turkey)より

It was my first time attending such an event with poetry in Japan. So I was very excited to attend. Before the event, we received necessary information regarding the roles of each performer and the way the poems are cited. This made it easier to understand the scene, and follow the poems when read aloud. The rhythms and the musical tones were very surprising and new for me since our culture is completely different. Performers were well studied with their good voices. The clothes were dazzling as always. After the event, the explanation from Sensei and the English translations of the students helped a lot to uncover what is really being told. I really enjoyed the event and learned a lot about waka. I am now thinking of studying and enjoying waka more thanks to the students and the teachers. I find these cultural values to be always eye catching and interesting. They can be well preserved as well as get well integrated into the modern world which would put more uniqueness and taste to the plate. At this point, the interest of youth plays an important role. Moreover, being able to learn and perform these cultural values at young ages contributes to the way of thinking, seeing and doing things in a unique and elegant way integrating the past and the present. As an art enthusiast, I would love to see how this waka will evolve with the contribution of Japanese youth.






  • 道行けば松影の下にさざれ水夏をも知らぬ水無月の夜

Walking on the mountain path

In the shade of a pine tree

The babbling brook makes a sound

I f orget the summer heat

On the June night

  • 玉柏真清水ゆらす水の綾泉にうかぶ月ぞゆれたる

Brilliant drop

Falls in clear water

Causing ripples to spread

And rocking the moon

In the spring

  • 手に結ぶ夏をも知らぬさざれ水清水の柏緑美(うるは)し

Water scooped with my hand

Its crystal-clear coldness makes me forget

Even it's summer now

And then I look up at the sky

There is only the beautiful green of an oak tree

  • 月ながらせき入る清水風通ふ友とまどゐし夏の日くらし

On the summer evening

Moonlight coming through the leaves

Gentle flow of the clear water

In a lonely breeze

How I miss those days with friends

  • 松影の岩井したたるま清水を手に結びてぞ夏を忘るる

A summer day in the forest

Spring water a boy found

Too cold

He forgets catching insects

Also being summer













 春の歌会 2018/05/30 


















 第2学年 遠足 2018/04/20 





