

Károlyi Orsolya (Hungary)

I really enjoyed the poetry event. I am studying classical Japanese poetry and translation, so I was very happy to see that there was also an English translation for each poems.

A lot of people see waka as a distant thing, and do not realize how beautiful it is. I hope you will continue to study these beautiful poems, and make the people around you realize how amazing they are. I have 2 advices for all of you.

(1) Make some easy explanations in Japanese too. Most of my Japanese friends does not have the slightest idea about classical Japanese, and for people like them (and they are the majority) it would be nice to have some easy explanations.

(2) Translating to English is really important, and the first step to share waka with the world, but there are a lot of people who can't speak English at all, and most of the people besides America, Britain and Canada only speak it as a second language. For them, it would be nice to have waka translations in other languages too.

I hope all of you will study a lot of other languages too, and spread the beautifulness of waka to the world.


