

June 11 (Mon)
Today, the second grade sports classes (Class 1 and 2) and Global Course classes (Classes 7 and 8) took part in the Spring Poetry Recital. The Poetry Club students recited Japanese "waka" style poetry, just as it was done in the Heian Era. Kyoto Friendship Ambassador exchange students also attended. In order to help these students understand the poems, the participating classes tried translating them into English. The best ones were printed in the pamphlet for the event. Here they are, along with the Japanese:

Walking on the mountain path
In the shade of a pine tree
The babbling brook makes a sound
I forget the summer heat
On the June night

Brilliant drop
Falls in clear water
Causing ripples to spread
And rocking the moon
In the spring

Water scooped with my hand
Its crystal-clear coldness makes me forget
Even it's summer now
And then I look up at the sky
There is only the beautiful green of an oak tree

On the summer evening
Moonlight coming through the leaves
Gentle flow of the clear water
In a lonely breeze
How I miss those days with friends

A summer day in the forest
Spring water a boy found
Too cold
He forgets catching insects
Also being summer


