Rugby club


Recent activity to report

The fourth National high school seven-a-side rugby football tournament

The seventieth Kyoto prefecture high school general field day

Semifinal vs Kyoto seisyo high school
Third match vs doshi high school
Second match vs hanazono high school

This year:s activity notice

May 3rd-5th   Aichi expedition
April   May    Kyoto comprehensive meet
Mid-June seven man system Kyoto prefecture trial
July 22nd,29th   goodwill game with high schools in the UK
22nd vs Loughborough School
29th vs Stamford School
August 11th-16th    summer camp training in nagano prefecture
Mid-October the middle of the month   Shimane expedition
October November   national meet Kyoto trials
End of December  national meet
Mid-January   regional meet Kyoto trial
Mid-March regional meet
Late March to early April  invitational tournament

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