


8月4日 出国日


8月5日~8月9日  日韓高校生グローバル公民権プロジェクトサマーキャンプ


Global Food Culture


フィールドワーク: 順天湾ガーデン


Talent Show Prep & Talent Show


Closing & Farewell Ceremony


8月9日〜8月10日 フィールドワーク:釜山・帰国日






7月6日土曜日に、サマースクールの一環で the 2024 English Immersion Day (英語漬けになる1日)を開催しました。AETの先生方が準備してくださった個性豊かな企画にのり、意欲のある1年生17人が楽しみながらどっぷり英語漬けになりました!

On Saturday, July 6th, six AETs came to Sagano High School to hold the 2024 English Immersion Day, an event designed to let the students have fun and express themselves in an immersive, all English environment.


After a brief opening speech, the students broke into small groups to attend various classes and workshops taught by the AETs, with activities ranging from role playing to storytelling, the students were able to use their English language skills for unique and expressive conversation.


In the afternoon, the students broke into teams and participated in improv comedy workshops, acting out in different games and situations, entirely in English! After some rehearsal, the teams all came together to perform for each other and the AETs, who formed a panel of judges. All the students received prizes from the AETs for their hard work and performances!


This year's Sagano English Immersion Day was a wonderful experience for the students! They had an amazing time and made great use of their English language skills!  



昨年度2月に開催された「アカデミックラボ課題研究発表会」にて、探究活動の成果を発表した3年生1組~6組の生徒たちは、来る6月10日、今度はSGF(Sagano Global Forum)でその内容を英語で発表します。発表当日に向けて英語の原稿作成と発表準備がスタートしました。










Last school year, 8 students from Sagano High School traveled to Florida in January. Sagano High School and Jupiter High School have had an exchange program since 2015. From 2021 to 2023, it was impossible to travel to Florida, but we maintained our relationship online. Finally, this January, we could return to Florida for our 2-week exchange program on environmental and cultural studies. After returning to Japan, the participants began to formulate their ideas for a presentation on what they experienced, what they learned, and what ideas they wished they could see used here in Japan and in Kyoto. Here is a description of the full Florida exchange program for 2024!







Pre-Trip Preparations - 出発前の結団式

Before leaving, the students met with the principal, who encouraged them to learn as much as possible and to investigate many research questions.



Arrival and Initial Days - 1月4日~7日

January 4th-7th: On January 4th, the students were warmly received by their homestay families at the airport. The following days were spent enjoying free days with their homestay families, acclimating to the environment. We also met up together at the Jupiter Lighthouse, a symbol of the town of Jupiter, to learn about the history of the town.



Educational Activities and Experiences  研修内容

January 8th: The group visited the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens, where they presented on Japanese nature and culture to the staff and docents, followed by a tour of the gardens, appreciating the American interest in Japanese culture.



January 9th: They visited Jupiter High School, got their student IDs, met the teachers. They  enjoyed a lecture from Ms. Jennifer Smith, an Environmental Scientist, and two other scientists from the South Florida Water Management District, learning about wildlife protection and business-community cooperation. And they had lunch with the lead teachers of the Jupiter Environmental Research and Field Studies Academy (JERFSA)and the principal of Jupiter High School. In the afternoon, they attended a lab class in a wetland ecosystem with JERFSA students and teachers.



January 10th: They again went to Jupiter High School and had a tour of the expansive school campus. In the afternoon, they did presentations on Japanese nature and culture for the 11th and 12th-grade students of JERFSA.



January 11th: They again went to Jupiter High School and attended classes with their homestay siblings.



January 12th: The group traveled to Everglades National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage and Biosphere Reserve Site, to study native ecosystems and human impacts on them.



January 13th-15th: The weekend and the American holiday on Monday (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day) were spent with the homestay families. The final event was an amazing farewell party with all the teachers and families. They had a great time!



Cultural Exchange and Daily Life - 文化交流と日常生活

Throughout their stay, students lived with American families, gaining insights into the U.S. education system and daily life, enriching the cultural exchange experience.


Conclusion of the Trip - 帰国

On the morning of January 16th, the students departed for Kyoto, reflecting on their enriching and educational experience in Florida. Heartfelt thanks were extended to Jupiter High School's teachers, lecturers, and homestay families.

Post-Trip Activities and Achievements - 事後研修

Upon their return, the students prepared for a face-to-face presentation at Kyoto University, sharing the outcomes of their trip and proposing future initiatives for Japan and Kyoto. This event, held at the Laboratory of Regional Planning in the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (LRP-GES), was a success, with valuable feedback from professors and graduate students.



The Sagano High School students' global presentation is featured on the LRP-GES blog


Thanks to everyone involved with the Sagano High School Florida Program, 2024 was a successful year!





田中 宏明さん

2011年3月 京都府立嵯峨野高校卒業
2015年9月 京都大学法学部卒業
2016年4月 外務省入省
2016年5月 軍縮不拡散・科学部軍備管理軍縮課
2018年4月 米国研修(デューク大学ロースクール留学)
2020年4月 ポーランド大使館二等書記官
2022年4月 中・東欧課(ウクライナ情勢対応)
2022年6月 南米課(南米10カ国所掌、要人の訪問・来日の大型行事、国連総会等の国際会議)












The other day we had a special guest lecturer from Ritsumeikan University visit our Science English classes. Dr. Corey Noxon, an Assistant Professor, came and gave the students a lecture and a workshop on creating AR and VR models. Dr. Noxon uses AR and VR when researching Jomon Period archaeology. He explained how AR and VR helps researchers to study Japan's past, even when they live in countries all over the world. Then he showed the students how to use some of the AR tools and they created their own sample models. It was a lot of fun, and everyone had a new appreciation for how technology can help us to learn more about history!

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Pic 04.jpgWe had our final interaction with our friends at Busan SEO Girls' School from South Korea. All of the students shared their presentations they had made in Global Interaction class with them. Then, the students from South Korea taught us more about their country. It was another great experience for us to learn about each other and have fun chatting. 


Some reflections from the students: 


"I explained about famous festivals in Kyoto such as Gion Festival and Jidai Festival. After our presentation ended, they also did a presentation about South Korea for me! They explained about the famous TV shows in South Korea. I didn't know about the culture there, but it was so interesting for me. Thanks to this, I could learn about the famous actors in South Korea." 

"I think the most fun thing about this event was being able to know about their culture. I believe that understanding each other is very important in the globalized society now. So, I want to do things like this more!"

We had a great conversation, thanks to all of our international friends!


A sunny Saturday morning set the scene for the 22nd annual Cosmos Cup for Junior High students. Held at Sagano High School early on September 9th, this contest saw eight finalists representing various different Kyoto Junior High Schools come to show their English skills.


Cosmos Cup is an English story-telling contest. Students are given a story they have never seen before, and, with only twenty minutes of preparation, are asked to read it out loud in four minutes or less. The students' accuracy and pronunciation are not the only things taken into account! As well as English mechanics, the judges also look for the rhythm of the speech and the passion and emotion put into the words. Not only does English fluency matter, the ability to appropriately perform in English is equally important.


Members of the Sagano High School English Speaking Society also assisted. Four students volunteered their time to share their love of learning English with the Junior High students and help the judges and teachers in running the contest. Duties of these students included reading each contestant's introduction, helping guide contestants between their different rooms, and chatting with the contestants to calm their nerves. With the assistance of these Sagano students, the contest ran smoothly.


Judges were members of the Sagano English staff, as well as Vice Principal Shibata Mika. Every student did a fantastic job, and the judges were all very impressed at the English abilities of the students. When it was all over, however, there were only four contestants who left with a prize.


Best Performance Prize:              Miss Sakurai, Saikyo High School Affiliated Junior High

Outstanding Performance Prize: Miss Takahashi, Shijo Junior High

Good Performance Prize:            Miss Takeuchi, Shijo Junior High

Honorable Mention:                    Miss Misaki, Seika Nishi Junior High



優秀賞: 高橋さん【京都市立四条中学校】


奨励賞: 竹内さん【京都市立四条中学校】

努力賞: 三崎さん【精華町立精華西中学校】

Congratulations to our winners, and congratulations to all our contestants!





7月中旬、1年生GIの授業でオーストラリアの Sydney Girls' School の6年生(現地の高校3年生)とオンラインで交流をしました。GIの授業で作成した嵯峨野高校紹介スライドを用いて頑張って英語で説明したり、日本語で質問を受けたりと楽しい時となりました。もっと英語を話せるように頑張ろう、と思った生徒も多いようでした。



 嵯峨野高校には相互交流で親交を深めている高校が国外にいくつかあります。シンガポールにも何校かあります。コロナ禍が落ち着きはじめ、久しぶりにシンガポールからの訪問客を受け入れることができようになりました。そして、爽やかな初夏にシンガポールにあるChung Cheng High School の副校長先生が嵯峨野高校を訪問してくださいました!それぞれの学校の取組やグローバル社会での共通課題などについて本校教員と交流した後、本校の授業見学もされました。グローバルインタラクションの授業では、シンガポールの教育について英語で講義をしてくださいました。スーパーサイエンスラボにおける生徒の取組にも大きな関心を寄せてくださり、将来的に協働でサイエンスプロジェクトを計画するお話もすることができました。楽しみです!





On Saturday, July 8th we held our annual Sagano Immersion Day for Summer Seminar. 17 first-year students took this opportunity to come close to natural, everyday English! Led by the AETs at Sagano High School, we were joined by four AETs from other high schools around Kyoto to enjoy a day filled with experiences using English throughout the day. 

In the first half of the day, participating students enjoyed a variety of activities and lessons centered around English language or cultural experiences.  It was packed full of fun and engaging activities which gave the students at Sagano a chance to really flex their English skills. They all worked hard to think critically and speak extemporaneously, and enjoyed meeting our guests from America and Canada.

In the afternoon, they practiced and performed improvisation activities to boost their extemporaneous production skills while enjoying cooperative performance activities with their friends. We are grateful for the AETs who joined us, and thankful for an enjoyable day using English!



Greetings from Sagano High School! We are having a great year so far and we wanted to report on the International Interactions we have experienced so far here at Sagano High School!

On May 16th we had our first interaction and it was with Busan SEO Girls' High School, located in South Korea! We had a great time talking with them, introducing ourselves and sharing interesting cultural ideas.


Then on May 18th we had two interactions, one with Busan SEO Girls' High School and one with James Campbell High School, which is located on Maui in Hawaii, USA! We had so much fun learning about each other and having a great time communicating. We can't wait until our next interactions with them and with our other international partners!


Science English (科学英語)の授業では、Scicence Communicator(サイエンスコミュニケーター)として必要なスキルの習得を目的に、実践的な英語でやりとりする機会を設けています。11月29日には1年8組の生徒がシンガポールにある連携校チュンチェンハイスクールとオンラインで交流し、事前に準備したプレゼンテーションの交換発表会を開催しました。本校の生徒のトピックは「日本における科学技術や数学研究について」でした。以下英文によるレポートです。

Students in the Science Course at Sagano High School continue to have exciting opportunities not found in the traditional classroom! This time, on November 29th, first year students of Class 8 had the chance to interact online with students from Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) in Singapore

Conducted over Google Meet, 40 students from CCHY joined 40 students from Sagano. After some brief introductions, the students moved into smaller breakout rooms. Here, the first-year Sagano students gave slideshow presentations in English about their most recent research project -- Science, Technology, and Math in Japan. Our students challenged themselves to discuss difficult topics in English, and the CCHY students were delighted to ask many questions and learn a lot about STEM in Japan.

Next, the Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) students gave presentations of their own about culture, history, life, and attractions in Singapore, which the Sagano students listened to with rapt attention. In turn, the CCHY students gladly answered the many questions about Singapore that the Sagano students had!

With just enough time for a little free talk at the end, the students parted ways at the end of the hour, electrified by the exchange of scientific and cultural ideas and delighted by the chance to have made friends with fellow students abroad.

Sagano High School teachers and students are deeply grateful to Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) in Singapore for our continued friendship and for helping to create opportunities such as this one to strengthen our ties while sharing our scientific and cultural ideas with each other. We are eagerly awaiting our next meeting!


On September 27th, first year students in the Science Course at Sagano had an opportunity to learn about and experience AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) in their Science English classes.
First, they received a private video lecture on AR and VR created especially for Sagano High School by Eric Hawkinson from the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. In the lecture, Mr. Hawkinson explained the AR/VR spectrum and various applications of the technology in our lives.

Following that, the students were joined live via the internet by Dr. Corey Noxon, a researcher at Ritsumeikan university studying Jomon archaeology. Dr. Noxon explained how archaeologists use AR and VR technology in their research to preserve and share records of ancient artifacts. Guided by Dr. Noxon, the students were able to use some of this same technology themselves, using an app on their iPads called Sketchfab to interact with 3D models of real Jomon-period artifacts in augmented reality. This app can be used to interact with 3D models from a host of different disciplines, and the students may also be able to use this for their own research in their science labs as well.

In all, our class of engaging English lectures combined with hands-on interaction gave our students a wonderful opportunity to closely interact with cutting-edge technology, and to think deeply about its applications in science and in their own lives. We are deeply grateful for Mr. Hawkinson and Dr. Noxon for their contributions to our lessons, and we hope our students can continue to use these ideas and technologies throughout their time in Sagano.


Hello everyone, and welcome to a brief summary of some of the activities we have done in the first semester of this year here at Sagano High School. What a fun year we have had so far!

First Year Students
Our first year students introduced themselves to each other through poster sessions in April. It was a very fun and nice day.

Next, everyone learned how to have conversation tests in May, and they worked hard to express themselves in English! In GI class everyone learned how to use technology in their class, and then started making presentations and doing listening class activities. Everyone worked hard to learn all about Sagano High School and how to express themselves.

We also have had many interactions with our different country partners around the world. This semester we have spoken with our friends in Singapore, South Korea, the United States, Australia and even Colombia! It was so fun and exciting!

Second Year Students
Our second year students are working hard on their Academic Lab Research work, and we started out the year with some great lectures and information sessions.

Then everyone started working on deciding what research they were going to do. We have just one year to set our research goals, work hard on our research projects and then report on our findings! It will be a busy year for us all!

Third Year Students
The third year students' biggest event so far was surely the Sagano SSH Global Forum for student research in the end of May and the beginning of June. Every third year student did a presentation on their research topic in the face to face session, and every Academic Laboratory student did their presentation in English online as well.
First we had the online global version of the forum on Google Classroom. Each student made their presentation in video format so that it could be shared all around the world. We had our partner school in Jupiter, FL, USA join us, as well as many international graduate students studying at Kyoto University!

After the online event finished, the face to face event came in June. The students worked so hard and did some AMAZING presentations!

We hope everyone had a great time this semester, and we hope you have a great summer, too! See you in the second semester!


English Immersion Day

July 10th, 2021 was a day full of fun, excitement, and challenge here at Sagano High School! Thirty first and second year students came to school that Saturday to enjoy English Immersion Day for Summer Seminar. Joined by four guest ALTs from high schools all across Kyoto, they had the chance to experience all kinds of different activities, games, and lessons while sharing our ideas, creating art, making movies, solving puzzles, and more -- all while using English throughout the whole day!

Lessons & Activities

Led by our AETs at Sagano and our wonderful guests as well, students were able to enjoy many different and amazing lessons and activities in the first half of the day. The students had the chance to do so many different things!

They played a super fun storytelling card game called Dixit! Then they racked their brains taking turns making and describing pictures for each other to draw!

Next they created and drew awesome new mascot characters for Sagano and shared their ideas! Then they filmed their own hilarious versions of some favorite movies!

Next they had intense discussions on how to survive on a deserted island! And finally, they worked together to solve puzzles and riddles in an escape game!

As you can see, everyone had so many fun and interesting activities to do, and worked so hard to talk to each other and to the teachers in English. But that was only the first half of the day!! Our exciting day using English had only just begun! After lunch, everyone had an even more challenging activity waiting for them... 

Improv Workshop!

Do you know "improv"? The students sure didn't know it before this day! Improv is short for "improvisation," which means to perform without preparing. This is a very popular and fun activity all over the world, but it is difficult! Everyone broke up into small groups and spent two hours practicing various improv games, where they had to speak, act, perform, and play different characters in English -- with NO time to prepare! 


After practicing, everyone spent the rest of the day performing. Each group went up to the front of the room to perform a different improv game. This was the biggest challenge yet, for sure! But everyone was able to do their best, and by the end they were able to have fun using English confidently! After each game, the ALT Judges chose their favorite group to give prizes to. We got so many cool and fun (and sometimes delicious!) prizes from all over the world.

What a wonderful day! It was so tough to speak in English at first, but by the end, everyone had so much fun talking and working with their friends. Everyone was really happy to have joined today, and learned a lot and gained much confidence in speaking English. We hope everyone has the chance to do something like this again in the future! 


What a year it has been for the English program here at Sagano High School! We made a lot of changes this year to our program to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus which causes COVID-19, so we would like to let you know about all the changes we made to our classes to keep everyone safe and continue our great communicative English programs. 

Masks, Ventilation, Alcohol Hand Spray
It is important to note that all students were asked to wear masks during all classes since they would be speaking out loud. This is a key feature, and we hope you will notice all the masks in the pictures. Next, the windows were always at least partially open to allow for the air to circulate. You can see in the pictures we luckily have many windows in the language lab (LL). Finally, because shared devices were used (and also to be safe) alcohol spray was provided by the entrances and exits of all the rooms and the students were required to cleanse their hands before and after each activity. 

Room Configuration
In order to make sure everyone could be socially distanced during our classes in the LL, we first measured out where the desks could be placed for all of the different activities that we do. If there was a theme for the 2020-21 school year, we could say it was "Moving desks". We realized in order to easily move the desks each time we should make markings of some kind so that it was easy to understand when we had to quickly change between classes. We decided to use different color masking tapes on the floor. For example, red marks were for a regular 40 desk lecture setup. Pink marks were for small group listening style classes, yellow triangle marks were for poster session presenters, purple x marks were for poster session audiences, and so on. You can see some of our markings in these pictures. 

Regular Lecture Style
During regular lecture style setup, desks were positioned so that the students were 110cm apart from each other, which was the rule. All students were reminded to face forward and asked not to move their desks towards each other, even when they had to talk with the person sitting next to them.

Conversation Tests and Interview Tests
We regularly give students conversation tests and interview tests and we pondered how to do this as safely as possible. The first decision we made was to eliminate the passing of papers, so that students were not touching items that were previously touched by other people over and over. So their entrance tickets were made smaller and disposable, so that they just threw them away in a small trash bin after they held it up for the grading teacher. Then, instead of handing over their paper rubrics, all of the rubrics were computer based, inside of Google Classroom. Therefore neither of the students or the teacher had any kind of physical contact. All chairs were placed at least 2 meters apart, so that they would be extra safe.

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