






京都府立嵯峨野高等学校 校長 吉村 要


Welcome to Sagano!

About Sagano High School:

Originally opening as Sagano Girls' High School in 1941, Sagano Senior High School has a history of more than 80 years. It was founded by Mr. Nihei Yashiro, a local Kyoto entrepreneur in the weaving industry. This is unique, to have a founder and a motto based on the Zen spirit "和敬清寂". With this 80 years of school history, we can reflect on how we should live, and we treat our following school motto as a very important thing to keep in mind as we act.

The three parts of our motto are:

  和敬 - "Wakei" - Be harmonious and respectful

  自彊 - "Jikyou" - Strive for self-improvement

  飛翔 - "Hishou" - Act globally

We place special emphasis on noticing what is happening all around us, thinking critically and expressing things in our own words in an aim to increase our willingness and attitudes, to continue researching with inquiring minds and intellectual curiosity. And the acquisition of communicative competence is also important.

Our students believe in their potential so that they will be able to live healthy and strong lives full of ideas in any environment they may find themselves in. They enjoy dealing with challenges. They praise their friends for their successes and encourage each other to be better. Our school education will foster these people and they will make the most of what they can do now and see that not even the sky is their limit.

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