
安達教諭の突撃リポート №92

   You don't need to be perfect as long as you try your best.

 9月1日より新しく本校に赴任したALTの Lavelle Laura さんに自己紹介をしていただきました!

Hello Everyone!
My name is Laura. I'm from England, UK.
I love cooking. In my free time I like to try making new recipes.
What foods do you like?
I also enjoy gardening and reading. I like non fiction books the best.
At university I studied International Business.
My dream is to have a food business, maybe an English cooking school because I love cooking and teaching.
I met my Canadian husband when I was an exchange student at Kumamoto Gakuen University, so Japan is a special place for us. We wanted to come back to Japan and show our children where we met.
I'm still studying Japanese, please help me to learn Japanese.
My teaching philosophy is that you don't need to be perfect as long as you try your best.
Nice to meet you.

皆さんこんにちは! 私はローラといいます。イギリスのイングランドの出身です。


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