



ESS club members enjoyed a live chat with Newport Girls' High School in England. They had been waiting for the summertime to do this because of the time difference. Now, the UK has daylight savings so this time difference is only 8 hours. UK students came to school early to be able to talk the ESS club members at 4pm Japanese standard time.

The British students showed their packed lunches and asked questions about the school day. Students were particularly interested in what a pork pie was. Students then compared their school uniforms and talked about school rules.

ESS club members have been exchanging short videos with the English school. At Christmas, candy and Christmas/New years cards were exchanged. This was the first time they were able to talk in real time. Students were a little shy at first but came prepared to chat with questions for the English students.

We are very happy to continue developing this relationship and hope that one day Newport Girls' High School student will be able to visit Tango-ryokufu High School. In the meantime, the plan is to continue with this exchange and talk more regularly in small groups after the summer break.


 今回はESS(English Speaking Society)の活動の様子を紹介します。ESSは現在、英語圏で親しまれている子どもの歌(Children songs)を聴いて、日本語の歌詞をつけるグループワークを行っています。マザーグースなど、日本ではあまりなじみのない歌をピックアップしています。まず、原詞(英語)を読み解いて、内容をつかみます。次に、日本語の歌詞を創作するのですが、単純に日本語に置き換えていくのではなく、メロディーに言葉をのせていくステップがカギとなります。メロディーに対する言葉数が英語のほうが多く、日本語では言葉数が少なくなるため、言葉えらびを丁寧にしていく必要があります。生徒たちはメロディーを口ずさみながら、楽しく歌詞を作成しています。完成したら、みんなで英語バージョン、日本語バージョンの両方で歌ってみようと思っています♪

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