学校生活School Life






Julianne's English Report Vol.1




Mineyama Town

The Treasure of Kyoto

Mineyama as a town is a great town. I love the communities, the cherry blossoms, and the snow. I love the rural mountains and watching the ruralf train pass my house. The view is always beautiful and great. Everyday, the sky and the mountains paint a new picture. Each as beautiful as the last. Each with its own unique style. There is never a boring view.

Mineyama is like a hidden treasure of Kyoto. Not many people know about it and I think that makes it more special. It has a very prominent fall season with a beautiful snowy winter. Summer is not as hot as it is in Kyoto city. With the cool beach breeze blowing from the east and west side and the sea just around the corners, it makes it easier for anyone to keep cool in Kyotango.

The downside to Kyotango is that it often rains. However, with rain, it brings about the clouds swimming around the mountains. You wake up to the beautiful aesthetics of "unkai" or sea of clouds just around the base of a mountain as if you are looking at a real life Asian painting that you find yourself captivated by in Asian restaurants back in your hometown.

Kyoto city most certainly has temples, Cherry blossoms, and kimono. But imagine having all of that plus the snow, plus cheap kimono, plus the kindness of the local people all around the corners without having the hustle and bustle of a city, the disturbances of tourists, and the crowd of people. Kyotango has everything Kyoto city has but with serenity. That is what makes Kyotango a treasure of Kyoto.


Class Observation Summary


We held an English class observation on February 10th. We were supposed to have invited many teachers and to have many pair works in class between the studens in order to share their ideas, but we couldn't do both of them because of COVID-19.What should we do then? - How about we do it online!

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The students were working very hard to exchange their ideas with their classmates using their iPads or smartphones. Also, we used many iPads and made every efforts to let observers feel as if they were in a real classroom.

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After class, with a help of an associate professor, Ms. Kamegai from Asahi University, and five teacher advisors, we held a meeting with a lot of English teachers online. We talked about how to share opinions and ideas efficiently and effectively. We had a detailed discussion, and it went smoothly.

Thank you to all the teachers who participated!





( 1 ) 4技能統合型CAN-DOリスト(授業を通して何ができるようになるかをリストにし、生徒と教員で目標を共有するためのもの)を活用した授業の展開

  • 話者や筆者の思いを正確に読み取ることはもちろん、自分の思いや考えを、自信を持って英語で発信できる人材の育成を目指します。
  • 小・中学校と連携し、効果的かつ段階的な指導を目指します。
  • PBL(課題解決型学習)の理論を大切にし、主体的に学習する人材の育成を目指します。
  • 英語科教員も生徒たちと同様に学ぶ姿勢を大切にし、英語指導力の向上を図ります。

( 2 ) ICT機器を活用した授業の展開

  • KeynoteやPowerPointによって視覚的な援助を行いながら、分かりやすい授業を目指します。
  • Authentic Materials(世の中で実際に起こっている出来事の動画や静止画)を使いながら学んでいる題材がより身近に感じられるような工夫を凝らします。

We're looking forward to learning English together!

COPYRIGHT (C) 京都府立峰山高等学校