Science English (科学英語)の授業では、Scicence Communicator(サイエンスコミュニケーター)として必要なスキルの習得を目的に、実践的な英語でやりとりする機会を設けています。11月29日には1年8組の生徒がシンガポールにある連携校チュンチェンハイスクールとオンラインで交流し、事前に準備したプレゼンテーションの交換発表会を開催しました。本校の生徒のトピックは「日本における科学技術や数学研究について」でした。以下英文によるレポートです。
Students in the Science Course at Sagano High School continue to have exciting opportunities not found in the traditional classroom! This time, on November 29th, first year students of Class 8 had the chance to interact online with students from Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) in Singapore

Conducted over Google Meet, 40 students from CCHY joined 40 students from Sagano. After some brief introductions, the students moved into smaller breakout rooms. Here, the first-year Sagano students gave slideshow presentations in English about their most recent research project — Science, Technology, and Math in Japan. Our students challenged themselves to discuss difficult topics in English, and the CCHY students were delighted to ask many questions and learn a lot about STEM in Japan.

Next, the Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) students gave presentations of their own about culture, history, life, and attractions in Singapore, which the Sagano students listened to with rapt attention. In turn, the CCHY students gladly answered the many questions about Singapore that the Sagano students had!

With just enough time for a little free talk at the end, the students parted ways at the end of the hour, electrified by the exchange of scientific and cultural ideas and delighted by the chance to have made friends with fellow students abroad.
Sagano High School teachers and students are deeply grateful to Chung Cheng High School (Yishun) in Singapore for our continued friendship and for helping to create opportunities such as this one to strengthen our ties while sharing our scientific and cultural ideas with each other. We are eagerly awaiting our next meeting!