

活動実績 令和2年度



  We have a lot of fun in the International Communication Club! We have two activities: One using English and one using Korean. The English section meets after school on Wednesdays to play games in English or watch movies, and also Fridays during lunch to listen to English music and have a fun conversation. The Korean section meets after school on Fridays. We enjoy learning about other countries together and learning how to communicate internationally. Why don't you join us?

Activities: -Watching movies in English (Japanese subtitles possible)!

      -Cultural parties! (Christmas, Halloween, etc) -Arts and Crafts!

      -Talking in English! -Learning Korean! -Playing lots of games!

○Korean section↓

금요일마다 한국어를 즐겁게 공부하고 있습니다! 문법과 단어를 배우고, 동영상을 볼 때도 있습니다. 한국문화에 조금이라도 관심이 있는 분!! 한번 오세요.


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