English Immersion Day

On Saturday, July 8th we held our annual Sagano Immersion Day for Summer Seminar. 17 first-year students took this opportunity to come close to natural, everyday English! Led by the AETs at Sagano High School, we were joined by four AETs from other high schools around Kyoto to enjoy a day filled with experiences using English throughout the day. 

In the first half of the day, participating students enjoyed a variety of activities and lessons centered around English language or cultural experiences.  It was packed full of fun and engaging activities which gave the students at Sagano a chance to really flex their English skills. They all worked hard to think critically and speak extemporaneously, and enjoyed meeting our guests from America and Canada.

In the afternoon, they practiced and performed improvisation activities to boost their extemporaneous production skills while enjoying cooperative performance activities with their friends. We are grateful for the AETs who joined us, and thankful for an enjoyable day using English!