On September 27th, first year students in the Science Course at Sagano had an opportunity to learn about and experience AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) in their Science English classes.
First, they received a private video lecture on AR and VR created especially for Sagano High School by Eric Hawkinson from the Kyoto University of Foreign Studies. In the lecture, Mr. Hawkinson explained the AR/VR spectrum and various applications of the technology in our lives.

Following that, the students were joined live via the internet by Dr. Corey Noxon, a researcher at Ritsumeikan university studying Jomon archaeology. Dr. Noxon explained how archaeologists use AR and VR technology in their research to preserve and share records of ancient artifacts. Guided by Dr. Noxon, the students were able to use some of this same technology themselves, using an app on their iPads called Sketchfab to interact with 3D models of real Jomon-period artifacts in augmented reality. This app can be used to interact with 3D models from a host of different disciplines, and the students may also be able to use this for their own research in their science labs as well.

In all, our class of engaging English lectures combined with hands-on interaction gave our students a wonderful opportunity to closely interact with cutting-edge technology, and to think deeply about its applications in science and in their own lives. We are deeply grateful for Mr. Hawkinson and Dr. Noxon for their contributions to our lessons, and we hope our students can continue to use these ideas and technologies throughout their time in Sagano.